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Body, Mind, and Mouth: Health Factors to Mention at Your Next Dental Checkup

August 26, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — billpoedds @ 5:46 pm
Patient talking to dentist at a dental checkup

A dental checkup is more than just an opportunity to get your teeth cleaned and checked for cavities. It’s also a chance to update your dentist on any changes in your health. Believe it or not, the way your body feels can have an effect on your oral health. Because of this, your dentist needs to know the full picture to provide the best care possible. So, what health factors should you bring up at your next dental visit? Read on to find out!

Chronic Conditions You May Have

If you’ve been diagnosed with a chronic condition like diabetes, heart disease, or an autoimmune disorder, it’s important to share this information with your dentist. These conditions can affect your oral health in multiple ways.

For example, diabetes can cause vulnerability to gum disease, while heart disease may need antibiotic coverage before certain procedures. With the right information, your dentist can tailor your care to accommodate your needs.

What Medications You’re Taking

Whether it’s a new prescription or an over-the-counter remedy, any medication you’re taking could affect your dental health. Some medications cause dry mouth, which can increase your risk of cavities and gum disease. Others might cause unintended interactions with local anesthetics or cause bleeding issues during dental procedures. So, make sure your dentist is aware of any medications you’re taking so they can take precautions during your treatment.

Recent Surgeries or Procedures You’ve Had

Have you had surgery or a hospital stay recently? Your dentist needs to know about it! Some surgeries, especially those involving the heart or joints, might require premedication before dental work to prevent infection. Not only that but if you’ve had a recent hospitalization, it could indicate a change in your health that might change the way you’re treated. 

If You’re Pregnant

Pregnancy, while a cause for celebration, also brings many changes to your body, including your mouth. Hormonal changes during this time can increase the risk of gum disease, which has been linked to complications like low birth weight in children. Informing your dentist about your pregnancy allows them to provide the best care for both you and your baby.

Your Mental Health

It might seem unrelated, but your mental health can also influence your oral health. Conditions like anxiety or depression can affect your hygiene habits and even lead to issues like teeth grinding.

While it can be difficult to share your status with others, letting your dentist know is in your best interests. Not only can they offer guidance and support, but they can sus out the causes of certain oral issues easier.

Your dentist is here to support your oral health, but they can’t do it alone. By discussing your health during your dental checkup, you’re doing your part to receive the best possible care tailored to your needs.

About the Author

Dr. William Poe is a dedicated dentist with a doctorate from the Hermon Ostrow School of Dentistry of USC. As a lifelong learner, he takes pride in the advanced dental technology and techniques he uses to help his patients achieve better smiles. Call (562) 594-5067 to schedule an appointment at William C. Poe V. DDS, or visit our website to learn more about the services we provide.

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